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Results & Testimonials: Text

Check out what my clients have to say about me as a Coach as well as the programs I offer

Results & Testimonials: Testimonials

"You first motivated me by all your posts and how you were transforming. So that got my interested and when I started working out you were constantly checking on me to see what I needed to meet my goals and you never missed your workouts so I was like okay if she is doing it then I have to haha! Your posts about quick healthy snacks and meal prepping is really helpful. Although I never meal prepped, ha! You have personally helped me with my fitness and health goals by setting the bar high. You live what you preach. You lead by example. And those pics you post of your adorable perfect 10 body proves that determination and discipline pays off."

Holly A

"You have helped me by believing in me that I could start a program like this and succeed! I am so glad that you asked me again in July if I wanted to join your team! It was such a great decision!! I am so grateful for your accountability. It helps more than you can even imagine! I love the encouragement that you give! It is constant and it is noticed!! I love that you are on your own journey and are constantly challenging yourself with new workouts! YOU INSPIRE ME TO BE BETTER!!"

Annie B

"You have been a great example. I was able to watch you first before I began and your honesty and integrity to keep posting and hold yourself accountable was huge for me. The affirmations and positive reinforcement helps me to continue to stay positive. Your positive perspective of mess-ups helps me to forgive myself for mistakes and encourages me to keep pushing.
The Beachbody programs are great because they are diverse in representation (race/body size); and the workouts are all so different and offer much variety, even within the program. That is HUGE for me—variety! I love our Facebook group and look forward to your videos everyday. It keeps me social and on top of my routine."

Aftyn B

"Your awesome positive personality and attitude has really motivated me.. .Just watching you 'do the work' everyday inspired me"

Debbie E

"You’ve been encouraging and helpful when I’ve had questions and the accountability is great too! I’ve loved the workouts that I’ve done and they definitely have toned my body all over. Plus the trainers are encouraging while I’m working out"

Taylor T

"Your group has helped keep me accountable and gave me motivation on days that I didn't think I could get the workout done."

Holly H

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